Saturday, 21 February 2015

Greece - A Compromise Too Far

February 21st

There are a lot of heavy hearts in Greece and elsewhere today. What does SYRIZA's compromise say about democracy? To me it says that the peoples' vote doesn't count. In case we were in any doubt the 'eurozone', this amorphous block, is more important than the Greek electorate. Why didn't SYRIZA refuse this compromise? It's not as if the Greek people didn't show their backing for their new government one hundred percent of the way.

I believe there are many people today who cannot quite swallow the idea that this new left radical party has caved in so quickly, putting the demands of the Euro rulers above those of the people who have just elected them. SYRIZA has accepted that the Troika (still the sane people whatever name you use) will continue to be their masters 'overseeing' what the new government does with its reforms. For reforms read cuts, more austerity etc.

What will Tsipras do? How can he face his electorate with this deal?

If I wasn't convinced before, I am convinced now that Greece should break with the Euro, call the Euro leaders bluff when they say they could contain a Greek exit. This is what the left in SYRIZA has been arguing. Wolfgang Schauble, the German finance minister wanted to make an example of Greece and now he has had his wish fulfilled.

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